Juan O Savin 🔥 3-25-21
“One of the guys that’s done some of the best work
on the whole vaccine thing
& he really should get a lot of attention
🌟 is Robert Kennedy
He’s done a fantastic job of explaining
what’s going on here in the country with this vaccine
& in the world & the risks to people
with this vaccine & other vaccines for years.
Even within the family he’s been ostracized
cuz he doesn’t speak politically correct on this subject
& it’s embarrassing to the brand
& people have other agendas.
Well I’m sorry,
sometimes you can’t pick your family members
& that’s the way it is.
If you’re just going to do the wrong thing
or allow it to be pushed & it’s got people’s lives at stake
children’s lives at stake
their future at stake
& then you don’t say anything when you know there’s a problem?
Then you’re the bad guy.
So being counted is very important here.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 🇺🇸 Hero. 🙏💞🔥
All of the recent material I've seen with RFKJr is right on and I have shared several videos and links to CHD. I do agree with Juan. However, I was just looking, and came across this info. There seems to be some valid content here. Thoughts? Comments?
“I want to say it emphatically. I am PRO-VACCINE. I have been fiercely PRO-VACCINE. I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Love God, my country, our military and FREEDOM which isn't free.
There is a WORLD of difference between "encourage" and "mandate."
I believe RFK Jr. is doing all any human being could do to expose big pharma and vaccines. I visited the website you linked and this was the headline, - "Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Vomits BIG LIES When Exposed with Truth." I look at where a person is TODAY. TODAY RFK Jr. is helping expose crimes against humanity and educate people about what they blindly let allopathic doctors inject/prescribe for them. The way the website's headline sought to characterize RFK Jr. in such a vicious way ("vomit") makes me want to research those who put up the website. What is their agenda? Who are they affiliated with? No slam against you! I welcome source links but in this accelerated time of irregular information warfare, I scrutinize who's putting out the information (whether I agree with them or not, same scrutiny). God bless you!🙏

☀️☀️☀️ Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom THOMAS JEFFERSON 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🌍 .......Back on TWITTER as @AgnesdeBerlimon 🧚

You are the salt of the earth + the light of the world. Guided by God. Ready for Eden.
I have seen where he said he is not anti-vax. He is for responsible and safe vaccinations (which haven’t been available for the past 20 years). It seems as though he has a similar outlook towards them as POTUS. I’ve followed him for a while now and have never seen a comment even closely related to the one above.

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker. https://t.me/DiedSuddenlyConnecticut
I have been fully behind RFK Jr. I was just very surprised by the claims from Dr. Shiva, and the video footage of Robert saying he was pro-vaccine.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
Here is the dichotomy. Vaccines **were** safe and effective. When s@taniism took over big ph@rma, the judiciary, the fed, the bicameral legislature, the news, fortune 100 companies, the focus became killing 1,000,000,000 "useless eaters and breeders."
Ergo, the plan for extermination ensued. Frankly, NO vaccine is to be trusted at this point. HOWEVER, we are on the cusp of a transformation of the entire World, and likely, cosmos. Do NOT fear, do NOT accept the covid bioweapon. PRAY, sleep well, eat well, get plenty of sunlight and some exercise. GOD has got this and, most decidedly...

Perfectly put! A beautiful new pristine healthy happy abundant glorious world is on the Horizon & almost nearly practically a-breath-away here!!! 🙏😻💛🌸🌎🌺🌷🌻🌟✨

Hmmmmm 🤔 This couldn't be a hit-job by the cabal could it!?!? 😹👍 OMG, they're attacking EVERYONE on their way to oblivion 🔥 Compare RFK's LIFE'S WORK to that blip of sensationalist desperation 💥 It's like all the shills & bots attacking Lightworkers & Truth-tellers. Frantic 💥
Victory to the Light 🌟 RFK is a hero in my books! Like YOU are 4 me 2 🙏😻🌸🌹💐