Trump Supporter. WIFE. Mom. Grandma. Political junkie. InQuistitive; want to learn / know more about Q.
Is the earth really flat?
I believe in God, country, & stengthening our frequency and inner light. Unwaivering in faith, love my fellow Patriots I'M ALL IN! #wwg1wga
From everything I have researched, my understanding is that the Earth is not flat, but it also may not be perfectly round as we know it to be, either. What I have extracted thus far is that there is an open portal in Antartica and a magnetic field that runs through the poles. There seems to be a filament- maybe in the shape of a dome- that covers the Earth. These are just some of the common themes I keep coming across in various texts. However, all I really know for certain, is that our current understanding is incorrect and I am excited to discover and learn the actual physics and conditions of our world as things are revealed!
I've run across some fascinating information recently; you definitely need an open mind when it comes to these types of things.