https://gab.com/boxoffrogs https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6Slcf1bDEBd8/ https://rumble.com/c/c-2352810 https://odysee.com/@HNiCC:1
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N2DV6FrcVE9y5jMnbBZAMUXdH0v7eu2r/view WHO's running the show? I'll tell you exactly who... But you already know don't you?

all I know..is the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know..you know?
Innocuous hyperlink maybe highlight?
"The following study is used to form a basic hypothesis that any data or analysis offered by TWITTER is at minimum extremely compromised and at maximum is for profit propaganda
generated by terrorist organizations."
or maybe
"The aim of The Little Albert Experiment was to condition a phobia in an emotionally stable child (to break a human’s will). For this study they chose a nine-month old infant from The Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children in Baltimore City Maryland."
perhaps a facts
"The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is part of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.. As the first independent, degree-granting institution for research in epidemiology & training in public health, & the largest public health training facility in the U.S., the Bloomberg School is an “international authority” (UN, WHO) on health, disease & disability."
dunno but a interesting read never the less. Thank You

https://gab.com/boxoffrogs https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6Slcf1bDEBd8/ https://rumble.com/c/c-2352810 https://odysee.com/@HNiCC:1
It's all good..I just hoped you didn't mind me stepping on your find..since people should be aware. I was about to pss it by and decide oh take a peek. love the name and love your boldness

https://gab.com/boxoffrogs https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6Slcf1bDEBd8/ https://rumble.com/c/c-2352810 https://odysee.com/@HNiCC:1
Then check these deets out...
Point Pleasant New Jersey... The Shore...
Pt. Pleasant Antique Emporium. Clara is a special piece of work. Did you know that Bruce Springsteen sang on the store's PA system? The store was previously a furniture store selling Pennsylvania House Furniture. Also owned by my Aunt and Uncle (my Aunt by blood so I infer her). Prior to this, the building on Bay and Trenton Ave was the biggest building in town. It was the original High School... until they built that, and that became the biggest building. Bruce Springsteen is a Pedo... now re-read about Bruce Springsteen. My cousin Becky was a millionaire several times over. She was a "Director" of a Hedge Fund. She died/[her program was ended] on 7/17/2018. My Uncle by marriage also worked at this place in NYC called the Solomon Building. He was a financial magician for Solomon Smith Barney et el. back in the day. The Solomon Building WAS aka WTC-7. My cousin Becky was born in 1969. Her birthday you ask? 9/11