Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
I haven't worn a mask once.
Do I say that to boast of myself? Of course not!
Has it been easy? Obviously not. People hate me for it including some members of my own family.
But, I can't in good faith, participate in a level of stupidity of this magnitude. The facts have been in front of us from day one.
God sees all.
I made a commitment from day one, I am accountable only to Him. Period.
Enjoy your Wednesday, Patriots.
If the only people that would survive this virus are the mask wearers, then why are millions of us who don't wear them still alive and healthy? Answer: Masks cannot contain a virus. The viral particle is too small. If a mask could trap the virus, then whenever you touch the mask or inhale you would contaminate yourself. Masks do harbor bacteria from all that touching with contaminated hands and this can lead to bacterial pneumonia and atelectasis from suppressed deep breathing, especially when worn for hours upon hours. Mask wearing also hinders herd immunity and suppresses the natural immune response. Adequate oxygenation is essential to a strong immune response. A weakened immune response makes a person more vulnerable to future viruses and other illnesses. It has never been about your health, in fact quite the opposite.