Info From a Lady
So most of you know that I am into the process of mutating into a lizard creature by now with my first dose about a week past.
SO, yeah, this morning I had to go do that thing all women my age get to do fairly regularly - get my boobs squooshed and x-rayed to make sure I don't have cancer.
That's not the interesting tidbit. We all know that happens.
The interesting thing is that while I was in the dressing room, I saw a sign on the wall. It said to notify the technician one had been vaccinated. Again, not a huge deal. Perhaps they've been trying to track numbers of the vaccinated filtering out into society, but then the next bit is what made me go ... hmmm.
The sign instructed me to tell the tech *which arm* I'd had the shot in.
They don't want your tracking device to interfere with the mamographoy machine. Very interesting.