A fucking SIGNATURE BOND and allowed to be with his children???
FUCKKKK YOUUUUUUUUU shit corrupt demon filth system. This pos needed community jail where those he has senrenced dwell.
We dont hear much of Wi nor the staggeringly corrupt judges, we dont hear much of the frauds of Wi either. Evers is NEVER mentioned in any drops, like Wi is last. Im really too angry to talk or comment often, so I simply do not.
When I did I was targeted costing THOUSANDS & dozens of lawyers either hung up on me in tryn to find help with the bogus shit, or out right said no. Im still home, found one, but THOUSANDS & reputation destroyed. I wait, & I watch. Judges here literally remove witnesses & DELETE evidance. They do what they want. (like this here.) I am dying to see *JUSTICE* 😡 I really could throw up.
Complaint: Wisconsin judge allegedly sent child pornography through messaging app
A Wisconsin judge has been formally charged with seven counts of possession of child pornography.