I haven't posted in a little while, sometimes social media gets to be too much. So I have spent time in the garden. When its not raining, its just beautiful outside. The raised beds are done, and planted, lots of weeding has happened and our new puppy Luna is trying to fugure things out. Its all good. today I am planting azaelas.

Luna - our mini-schnauzer has been a great help in the garden. She loves to pick up the weeds I just pulled and spread them all over the yard. Then she barks at the rake in a very high pitch that only puppies have. She also loves getting soaked when I am watering, and then jumps into the mulch in the flower beds. She is a constant source of love and much, much laughter

my garden experience has continued to blossom 🌻 😄. Our front yard is mostly shade all day. I moved a lot of river rocks from our back yard to the front and made a faux river bed. One side that gets some sun is lined with agapanthus (because I have lots and lots of it and it needs to be divided). The more shady section of the river is being planted with ferns. I built a walk way out of left over deck boards. I will be adding a small patio, I have great neighbors I love to talk to and it will be a great place to watch the 4th of July parade.
I did not start out with a formal or informal plan, but I am loving how it is all coming together.

today my neighbor who is a retired landscaper told me that my front yard is starting to look a little bit like Yosemite 😄