14 years before the TITANIC sank Morgan Robertson wrote a book about a ship named the TITAN that was described as Unsinkable. Both boats struck an iceberg in April and sank in the North Atlantic 400 miles from Newfoundland without enough life boats for all the passengers on board. Both boats were the same size and could go the same speed (almost unthinkable technologically at the time). The ONLY difference was that the TITANIC was going 25 knots when it hit the iceberg not 22.5 like the “fictional” TITAN. Everything else occurred exactly as Robertson wrote 14 years before it happened.
Either the Cabal can’t come up with its own ideas, they get a sick thrill out of using chapters from pop culture, somehow using pre existing Art strengthens the power of their black magic OR they think it might be more plausible if it’s something that’s been already thought of (probably a combination of all these).
Check out similarities between the 2013

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@humunu
Babylonian magic tradition. Broadcast their intent in advance. Let the human race hold that intent in their imagination, adding momentum, and bypass cause and effect in the process, as another anon mentioned.
It always goes back to the Babylonian Mystery Schools and that sick crew - there’s a cool graphic in my dig (see my timeline) on symbolism being their downfall that tracks the Cabal’s blood oath made with Satan in the garden of Eden through to modern times. Also Bill Cooper has some incredible stuff on it as well. Thanks for your input.

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@humunu
Your graphical post about cabal symbolism is interesting. Their sophisticated understanding of human psychology and how to manipulate it stands out. All of it alludes to something far older, deeper and more disruptive, if/when revealed.

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@humunu
Thank you!