PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins
New Juan O' Savin: “We’re close. Take a deep breath. This isn’t a time for hand wringing and it isn’t a time for throwing stones about not getting it done fast enough or not getting it done the way you think it’s supposed to get done. If you’re that smart, you go do it. Otherwise, shut up pray and stay out of the way.” 🇺🇸🦅
full interview: https://youtu.be/RAjN5RARK_8

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
If you do not yet understand that this is not just a political battle it is a battle to save our planet from satan and his demons.
It has always been about the bloodlines of Cain and Abel.
God is real
satan is real
Angels & demons are real
Perhaps you are not awake enough to help the 144,000 and if not then for real stay out of the way and pray.
We need prayer right now in unity.

Patriots Who Are Passionate About Pursuing Peace Through Strength & Actively Shining LIGHT On Truth, Freedom, LOVE, and UNITY! WRWY!

I think a lot of us are a little stressed because we don't really know what the right course of action for us personally should be. And are so excited about the future that it's difficult living in the present. I myself just want to be as educated as I can be. While I have a chance

Passionate Patriots KNQW how you feel. My Friends/Family have practically disowned me. They think I have sold my soul to a far right Tragic Trump Cult. I made it very clear that everyone has a choice to make. The TRUTH can be very painful. Many fear TRUTH more than the unknown. Some choose to ignore the TRUTH because they aren't willing to make sacrifices. Others fear the backlash from place of employment, social community groups etc. Growing pains are REAL! Some of us feel CALLED to take action and continie seeking the TRUTH even if it means we go without those who are closest to us. I made it very clesr that I love them unconditionally. They know where to find me if and when they decide to join us. You are not alone. Stay hungry and eager for answers. Practice patience and enjoy the PRESENT! Some of the best GROWTH takes olace in the "waiting room". Gods timing seems slow when we step out of the present!