This is not about me, this is about protecting the children of today and of tomorrow.
Please understand me.
God bless you all.
Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
Intense sensitivity to sound is a common autism symptom. Loud noises may be painful. The din of a city street or a mall can be too much. When overwhelmed, people on the autistic spectrum may cover their ears to try to block out the noise.
Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
PTSD , and some think unborn babies can't possibly feel anything
Got suspended from Twitter....looking for a new site and my friends....
Hmm...maybe that is my problem sounds and bright lights take me down....