*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*
I believe every word of this... However, I speculate that maybe Trump had been able to intercept what was given to the military? Or else we wouldn't have a military left, since ALL of our armed forces are being forced to get the Moderna vaccine, I believe - because my daughter is in DC and she was forced to recieve it, as they all were, and if that were the case - and everyone is dying then we would no longer have 1 person standing in the armed forces. Thats a huge unanswered question I have. And my daughter was sick for 1 day felt completely awful - was unable to get out of bed, but appears to be fine now, and it's been over 2 weeks, however, has not had the 3rd round. Obviously I'm worried - as I am for all of those that have been FORCED by their employment. Although I had previously warned her before she agreed to sign up for the guard... that I was against their policy of forced vaccination. I quit my job in dental for that reason. Egh so frustrating and scary.