Got a calling from God the Father... "SERVE GOD AND THOSE HE LOVES." I hope to always heed that. Happily married to a Marine Veteran.
Here's the article about#GenMcInernay tweet.
Take 'em out! The military needs to be flushed out too.... my eyes were wide-opened when I was only 30 days in as a very green 2LT, stationed in Baumholder, Germany back in 1993...sexual misconduct is prevalent and covered up at all levels...my best friend went Navy and she went through about the same thing I did.. only she was on this tight-living quarter ship! If you followed the "sexual harassment" EO complaint chain, you were ostracized, shamed, discredited, threatened, further harassed...maybe moved to another unit as a "trouble soldier" and then it was all swept under the rug. Some soldiers were kicked out, some were dishonorably discharged, some on a mental reason because rape couldn't have happened by SGT/LT/MAJ so and so...great soldier, married, great in the community/church. Nauseating. And then the higher up they get, rubbing shoulders with defense contractors and lining up their after-the-military jobs, making boo hoo dollars... doesn't take a rocket scientist to see dots.