Got a calling from God the Father... "SERVE GOD AND THOSE HE LOVES." I hope to always heed that. Happily married to a Marine Veteran.
Here's the article about#GenMcInernay tweet.

GenMcInernay did talk a lot... so that I was not sure, what to think of this source. He spread the rumour about the raided servers in Frankfurt/Germany- but then back paddled. He also talked about that there had been Special forces involved in the Capitol event seizing Laptops and stuff...
I was a bit suspicious about this source, although he is a well respected General. But maybe spreading a bit disinfo - or is it all truth?
Sidney confirmed the raid in Germany.

did she? Well, so it's probably true. Guess SP is not spreading bs...
But at the moment you never know, what's true and what is disinfo...or just a hopium-driven rumour...