A self taught artist, believe in a higher power, WWG1WGA, total Trump supporter, believe in love, light and peace for all.
Best news ever that this evil thing and the whole family taken out. EVIL to core the lot of them.🤮🤮

Tenacious Wisconsinite fighting government and medical tyranny. Redpilling for many years before I knew it was redpilling.Where is my origin
Sick fucking bitch. Must die...slow and exceptionally painful preferred.

covid woke me up to the lie - here to get more educated about all the rest of the corruption and evil.
taunting kanye - pscyhotic woman

🤮 and for the kids.....😭😭😭

Avid reader and author! Patriot & MAGA. Truth seeker who is about all about exposing the lies! Trump best president ever!
Kim Kardashian Confuses Hail with Snow | PEOPLE.com
Kim Kardashian shared several videos of hail at her house on Instagram Wednesday calling it snow. She later added of her mistake, "I'm not a meteorologist people!!!!"
My country says UK and honestly, I wish it said USA to match where my heart and soul is. #WWG1WGA
Utterly Deplorable..........

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives

covid woke me up to the lie - here to get more educated about all the rest of the corruption and evil.

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
not Kim?


“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu

Sick people the poor children.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
The child does not look happy.

I'm confused about this one. I'm certain the Kardashians are involved somehow, I wouldn't be surprised. However, I don't understand Kim's prison reform work with President Trump. Also, Trump and Kanye?🤔 John Legend is managed or something by Kanye too. Big tangled mess as always with the Kardashians 🙄

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Stuff like this is all just nibbling at the edges. Red pilled people will see one thing, bluepilled another, just like the media reaction left to right last night for the Biden speech.
All these media posts with pizza and what not all have plausible deniability. That means they will have no effect on people who are not already red pilled. They will not see what is really being presented. Pizza will just be pizza like Freud's cigar.
We are tired of all this truth being the boutique domain of the red pilled few.
Call me when this stuff really goes mainstream. Digital warriors are figting the good fight, and God Bless. But at the end of the day the "authorities" need to confirm the red pilled truth, otherwise we will continue living in this artificially divided country.

Proud widow of Navy Vet 12-15-2020. RIP my Luv!❤ Let his service not be in vain! Health & Life Coach Redpilled since 9/11! #wwg1wga 🇺🇸
333, 17, 11 on Comments, Shares, Likes...??🤔

RN. Grateful. TEAM Q. PATRIOT. Vintage clothing and antique aficionado.
I totally knew it. Kanye's handler. A witch. Eating placenta. Blood facials. All those black guys trashed in her wake... Insider big time. And ppl worship her! That weird robbery. The tape. NOT NORMAL!

SPACE__G1RL on Gab: '' - Gab Social
SPACE__G1RL on Gab: 'HAHAHAHA brilliant!!'
Patriot Female USA Digital Soldier WWG1WGA Great Awakening is Here
n response Danny Noonan to his Publication
Also This is just one video showing the fake plane Biden Harris Team Purchased and had painted. Watch this full Video.

Patriot Female USA Digital Soldier WWG1WGA Great Awakening is Here
Heres Video that Can Enlighted and Wake Up The Sleep Walkers.
Part 10
The Real Truth About Bill Gates And Fall of the Cabal. https://www.bitchute.com/video/oHiOT2Ksrhp6/
Part 9
The Real Truth About Bill Gates And Fall of the Cabal.
Part 8
The Real Truth About Bill Gates And Fall of the Cabal.
Part 7
The Real Truth About Bill Gates And Fall of the Cabal.
Part 6
The Real Truth About Bill Gates And Fall of the Cabal.
Part 5
The Real Truth About Bill Gates And Fall of the Cabal. https://www.bitchute.com/video/uqRIoxRxua1b/
Part 4
The Fall of the Cabal. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YYTLpdXdiEVh/
Part. 3
The Real Truth the Cabal.
SEQUEL Sexual Abuse Part 1
The Real Truth Fall of the Cabal. https://www.bitchute.com/video

The ONLY thing on my bucket list is to meet + HUG all involved in #THEGREATAWAKENING (Q know who Q are). God bless every one. Exodus 8
ThankQ . Was waiting for#10
Sure hope those Gates are dead

I wonder what will happen to the Kardashian children when they all go to GITMO.

I heard the Kardashians are satanic pedos and secretly arrested.
I wonder if they are already executed and we are seeing their clones?

Duck lips: Sure fire way to make a woman look like a disgusting tramp.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

A.K.A. 1Truthseeker2giveglory2-1God #JESUSSAVES#WWG1WGAWW #WRWY #Godwins #TakeTheOath#God1st#JFKJRISALIVE #DARK-TO-LIGHT
disgusting people

Kim just oozes narcissism . Poor kid.

Awake, Aware, Alive, I AM the LIGHT. I AM the LOVE. I AM the TRUTH. I AM

Katrashians Got Cancelled... I'm Certain The Q Team Did That. We're Just Being Shown Why They Were Cancelled... Taken Out Hopefully. Ghost E Will Provide More When Its Necessary.

Patriot Female USA Digital Soldier WWG1WGA Great Awakening is Here
The only reason they ever had a reality tv show was because their mom owns all the production of their show. Mom had her own camera team, Screen writers etc. This is how Vain they are that they had to pay for their own reality show out of moms pocket. Usually these nut jobs that do these stupid follow my family around while we do nothing shows, are paid for their time.


PROUD PATRIOT🇺🇸 Meme Queen🤗 Good Vibes Only! 💩 Attitudes Not Welcome! 💋#GodWins #TrumpIsMyPresident #WeThePeople #OneNationUnderGod

Spiritual being having human experience. Mother. Writer/Poet. Country living. Animal Activist. Passion is Art. Avid reader. Single. GOD!!!
💩🤢🤢🧟♀️Just threw up in the trash can. I'll never unsee that gross thing again. Omg. My eyes! My eyes! Wait...It's my stomach. No...it's my eyes. If I have a nightmare about this, I'm coming to your 🏠house🚘 with a poster of this🔜 and I will glue🔲 it to your wall.🙈 😜🤪😁

Patriot. Incessant seeker of truth and knowledge. Daughter of the King. Daughter of American heros.
Whats the appeal of lips like that? I don't get it