If you are in the red pill game and are concerned about being called crazy, you are definitely in the wrong game. Truth is stranger than fiction.
I have been red pilled for a very very long time now. I am crazier than a bat so most everyone tells me. I love being crazy, at least, I won't be floored with all the crimes coming out.
I believe in God, country, & stengthening our frequency and inner light. Unwaivering in faith, love my fellow Patriots I'M ALL IN! #wwg1wga
You are not crazy, you are divine!🤩
Musician/Light Warrior Q MAGA God Direct- Presence Raise VibeNation Music makes the world go round, so it won’t Bb - WWG1WGA
I agree. Being crazy in an insane world, is the only "sane" way to be. My craziness keeps me alive and happy. Craze On!