If left unrestrained Big Tech will begin putting fact check warnings on our private messages (text - email - voice) in addition to our social media accounts and eventually start inserting them into our private real life communication with each other in real time ultimately lulling the masses into thinking that having the control to suspend & delete our ability to communicate altogether is in our own best interest. They’ll do it so craftily it will fool radical leftists into demanding it (screaming) from the rooftops.
They’ve been practicing these destiny deciding false narratives on us for centuries all leading up to the ultimate NWO’s final one world government power grab.
Keep digging, keep exposing, keep bringing truth to light, keep relentlessly red pilling main street and don’t stop waking up the over sleepers until you see the whites of their wide awake eyes dismantling the cabal controlled super substructure for themselves.
The fate of our world depends on it.