Yea, the bastards tried to say the P was for being Pan...yea right! As a gay person, (made that way from being sexually abused from age 2.5-15 by over 20 men), who fought and bled for my rights. I am so against this it's not even funny. I fought for the LGB community. As far as I'm concerned the other preferences can start their own movement and stop riding the coat tails of those who already sacrificed too much. I will NEVER accept pedophilia as a sexual preference. It is a "Perversion of Nature". Name one species of mammals, birds or insects that molest their young... I'll wait. F. you pedophiles!!!!
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
Well said 👍