Q tells us symbolism will be their downfall.
This is a VERY DEEP DIVE into the roots of
Masonic & Occultist symbolism in pop culture.
Our whole planet is inundated with ancient images rooted in prehistoric sun worshiping cults. It extends into all facets of our community from architecture and advertising to religion, government, big business and entertainment.
“It’s always been out in the open.
You just have to LOOK.”
*Slide 7 = History of the Cabal blood pact made with Satan in the Garden of Eden and documents the heirs of the Babylonian Mystery School secrets through the ages to the modern era ⤵️
I keep seeing the people arguing, about where we are in Revelation. They know something is up (Thank God) but they like to guess, some say the antichrist is here, some say no. I wish we all knew exactly where we are. They have the symbolism everywhere, and no one touches it. To pay attention to it, increases the potency!!! Are we to just leave it sitting here on Earth, while we are at war with them? I'm still stuck on the people whom think Trump is the antichrist, WTHeck?!! How could anyone think that? He is saving the children, it makes no sense!! I'm tired of being nice, I'm really to tell them off, for being so stupid. Today feels heavy too. Stressful.