Q tells us symbolism will be their downfall.
This is a VERY DEEP DIVE into the roots of
Masonic & Occultist symbolism in pop culture.
Our whole planet is inundated with ancient images rooted in prehistoric sun worshiping cults. It extends into all facets of our community from architecture and advertising to religion, government, big business and entertainment.
“It’s always been out in the open.
You just have to LOOK.”
*Slide 7 = History of the Cabal blood pact made with Satan in the Garden of Eden and documents the heirs of the Babylonian Mystery School secrets through the ages to the modern era ⤵️
This is a fantastic post that shows an enormous amount of work, my friend! Thank you so much for posting.

TY - I sure learned a lot by doing it - I never knew about the ancient town of MEDIA!!

I did not know that either. I'm glad that you put your copyright on them, that way I can give due credit when I share your wealth of information. Keep up this great work!