Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁
Is President Trump a Superhero? Of course he is!
But I just want to be clear. I am not saying that President Trump is actually Batman!
However, I am not saying he is not either! 🦇
#wwg1wga 🌎☮️

A little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismypresident

A little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismypresident
Christian Bale knows all about Pedowood & is a first hand witness to#crimesagainstchildren losing a very dear friend~his childhood best mate~also his role's stand in-involving their 'Director' of 'Empire of the Sun'
Spielberg will go down‼️I promise you with all of my empathetic heart that Christian is a Patriot, part of the plan-
Bales taking on the role of loathsome abomination Dick Cheney for a reason/filming scenes from the Dark Knight in Trump Tower~ however people do not always understand Chris's sarcasm/inserting humour as in thanking 'Satan' for Playing the role of such a terrible character as Cheney with the now infamous reference to the Devil-This was a direct hit to Cheney, his words were taken literal without seeing him link the obvious Devil connection to Cheney~his lost soul
Bale is a good actor in this movie playing bad & evil real people
He is a witness under God that knows all about Steven Spielberg & one very personal victim that lost their life due to this Monst

A little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismypresident
For it is written in Luke 8:17 🙏🏻💓🙏🏻😭🙏🏻
For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light

A little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismypresident
Spielberg has always enjoyed the company of very young preteen boys
Bale understands loss, wrongful abuses to Children, attention to every detail, timing & conseQuences for committing #CrimesAgainstHumanity
Batman despises those that hurt children, so does Christian &#PresidentTrump
Avenging those innocent & powerless ~ those that lost their battles with very real depression brought on by the Crimes of Sick Adults that no longer have any voice has always been the plan ~#SavingOurChildren
Christian Bale and President Trump
2 Real life Batmans

Just another angry cat with a happy spirit ! Question?? Everything you come across! When you Know you Know!!


Just another angry cat with a happy spirit ! Question?? Everything you come across! When you Know you Know!!
Wow! So barbaric!!
Hey' I watched the original youtube vid of Abe Finkelstein quite a few years ago, I'd forgotten about it. I'm trying to find it... Think its been taken down. I found it on Bitchute!!
Human Meat Sold at McDonald's | Rabbi Abe Finkelstein
Search domain www.bitchute.com/video/xwVzbr9lJLTX/https://www.bitchute.com/video/xwVzbr9lJLTX/
Human Meat Sold at McDonald's | Rabbi Abe Finkelstein. Watch; Next video playing soon. Click to cancel. Autoplay has been paused. Click to watch next video. First published at 03:44 UTC on January 2nd, 2021.#NWO ;#QANON;#DeepState; The Animal Alchemists. Defend Gods Creatures. subscribers. Subscribe. Support our channel.#McDonalds#Meat#Vegan#vegetarian#zionism#rabbi#judaism. MORE ...
Human Meat Sold at McDonald's | Rabbi Abe Finkelstein
BitChute aims to put creators first and provide them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.

Just another angry cat with a happy spirit ! Question?? Everything you come across! When you Know you Know!!
Your very welcome! You do so much research over many years and stuff just fads & blurs into oblivion until your reminded of another peice of crap filed away in your memory of unbelievable atrocities and then you go about your normal day & wonder about everything!!! I actually find it hard to have genuine fun anymore, knowing all this exists!!!

Just another angry cat with a happy spirit ! Question?? Everything you come across! When you Know you Know!!

#godwins Strength TO ALL Soldiers - Strength To Police- and Patriot's!!
I heard that guy say all that stuff on a radio broadcast 4-5 years ago. He was very angry. I didn't know if it was true at the time till i heard a kid interviewd and was talking about a different establishment doing what this Rabbi said. So I then thought it just may be possible. The Rabbi called people -Goyim- Didn't want to look that one up, But Let me say- One bruised banana does not represent the whole bunch- just like our nation can't be judged by the Biden admin. We are not all the same. The Father knows who are his... Blessings and may the Father of Us ALL do the sorting... not us.