I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?
Lol. Alot. Start with the Hillary 911 memorial. Then work into the Bush Sr funeral. Most of the actors long off the scene. 2019 was the year of the Boomerang. Where the boomerang returned. Biden's arrest and replacement among others. 2020 during Covid massive sweeps and arrests. All quietly. To prevent chaos and or ruining the cover for the rest of the arrests/plan. We're winding down. With more arrests daily. It's the wakeup stage. In this stage everything is revealed.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
I've got two tickets to paradise!

Child of God. Proud conservative American holding the line. Matthew 22:37-38
Ezra, this would be a lot rougher without you! Thank you!♥️🇺🇸♥️

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?
whew!!! I thought I missed something.
Yes... I know all of that and everyone mostly gonzo...
WHAT I'm wondering - are Mil Ops going Public, going
to be an EBS...get rid of Newsom - PLEASE!
Tell the world of the covid-election fraud...we had to step in....
investigating Trump won lawfully...
Is it time .....YET?

I am God's creation with unalienable Rights AND a Day 1 'anon' On YT when I saw post-someone posting on 4chan. Me, What a chan?

Eight generations fighting for freedom from the American Revolution to today. Scot/Huguenot so feisty on both sides. Patriot all the way.
Our eyes are on Easter - as we celebrate the ressurection of our saviour perhaps we can openly celebrate the salvation of our great Republic. It would be so nice to be able to thank our military, the leadership behind it all, etc... and to see the relief in our fellow citizens. Hoping for a happy Easter morning for all!