I used to think I knew who I was, but the last 10 years has taught me that I am so much more. I am a child of God and an American above all.
I wish photos like these woud not be passed around unless they are real. They devalue anything we have to say when we post 'feelgood' crap.
I could not agree wit h you more. I get so sick of seeing this crap with no explanation. Its ridiculous. Theres a ton of real news to cover and provide commentary, but this type shit is ignorant and childish and wastes time.
then don't follow Erzs & you'll live longer. you bring on your own misery.
thanks for the tip. I was more than happy to unfollow and block, but he beat me to the blocking. All hype and sensationalism anyway, so im not missing anything.
thanks for the tip. I was more than happy to unfollow and block, but he beat me to the blocking. All hype and sensationalism anyway, so im not missing anything.
thanks for the tip. I was more than happy to unfollow and block, but he beat me to the blocking. All hype and sensationalism anyway, so im not missing anything.