
I wish photos like these woud not be passed around unless they are real. They devalue anything we have to say when we post 'feelgood' crap.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

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In response Diane Kelly to her Publication

Yeah you got a point. Since Hillary is already dead it's inaccurate. But just enjoy it anyways.

If Twitler was the battlefield, anonup is the celebration ITS NOT OVER, might as well laugh along the way

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

we are watching a movie & the confimation on that is very much appreciated, E

These Things We Do, That Others May Live. gab.com/@Borescoped

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I hope that after the dust settles, and the records are publicly corrected, that they ensure proper dates for terminations of Billary and crew, ya know, for posterity's sake. 😂

For those that still be in the dark when the light shines, maybe that will finally cause them to research when they see the death dates don't line up with their expectations... silly date fags

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In response Diane Kelly to her Publication

I could not agree wit h you more. I get so sick of seeing this crap with no explanation. Its ridiculous. Theres a ton of real news to cover and provide commentary, but this type shit is ignorant and childish and wastes time.

All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced & Expressed In Love 💫 Pureblood, Starseed, Observer

In response Some Blonde to her Publication

then don't follow Erzs & you'll live longer. you bring on your own misery.

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