[Mike Pence] ---->#Fooked
[Rod Rosenstein] ----> #Fooked
[Chief Justice Roberts] ----> #Fooked
[Hillary Clinton] ------>#Fooked
[Barack Obama] -->#Fooked
[Joe Biden] ---#Fooked
This is HUGE!!!!
[They] are all are done for . . .
Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts
Exposing Pence, Rosenstein, Roberts, Obama, Clinton -⬇️

So.... Was the person (Matt Couch) who wouldn't turn over the info to Nunes the same guy who's on Twitter?

yes it is, matt was called out on it not long ago and he lost his shit over it saying thats not how it happened. do not trust matt
WOW! He could've helped our President and chose greed and attention over doing the right thing! I'm just blown away.