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I hope he is first arrest

God bless the USA. Love our country, our vibes & honored to be on the battlefield & connecting with all of you. Experience of a lifetime!
I truly think that would really shock the world! Considering how all the different deep state parts of the world protested that turned into riots all over - everyone knows his name. What a shock if he was exposed & shown alive.
Being from MN, nothing would please me more than for him to be the 1st arrest. I think it would also really open eyes in blue states & show blue states just how far these evil people will go to fool all of us to create a divide that isn't there. Also hamas, CAIR, LaRaza, money laundering & child trafficking connections.
GREAT video on Floyd: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZseqeUZRvwNF/
Side note: Many people in MN believe that Prince was killed as well & that if Prince was alive, the whole Floyd maddness would have never been allowed to be played out the way it was. Prince had more pull & controlled Minneapolis more than a lot of locals even are aware of. He protected his home & they hated him for it.
Hello George - I pray he gets exposed & tak
WeatherMen III - ALL4FLOYD - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.21.20
IPOT's deep dive on the anomalies of the George Floyd case. Excellent research.
Daughter of Jesus Christ the most high God Hard to find info https://t.me/timetellsalltruth
I personally know and have met with the woman who was given the entire rights of Prince music. You may have heard of her? Marva King, yes she dated Prince and yes she knows much more than the public. Have you seen the fight between the music industry and prince? Do people know why he could not use his name? And went to a symbol instead? Know how much money hollywood and music industry lost when people realized he was marketing under his symbol?

God bless the USA. Love our country, our vibes & honored to be on the battlefield & connecting with all of you. Experience of a lifetime!
Yes have heard of her. He was in a constant fight to protect his music. Many don't know the reasoning behind the symbol but more are finding out. The amount of $$ they are making off his estate makes me sick. I refuse to go on a "tour" when people visit here and want to go. He would hate it.
I went to many of his after parties he threw at Paisley Park. What an experience! A friend of mine did security for him as well so got to know many personal details. My father helped build Paisley Park so we go to see it during that process. My uncle was one of the extras in the 1st Ave. crowd in Purple Rain. I kept one of his "punk Prince" coats for years after he died and brought it out to Paisley when Prince died when memorabilia was being put out. I think my uncle would have wanted that. Nobody will ever be able to replace Prince!

Daughter of Jesus Christ the most high God Hard to find info https://t.me/timetellsalltruth
Oh yes you are correct! At 17 many don't realize what they are signing, let alone realize they are signing their name away. It is my understanding that the family got the estate (funny some are upset stories are being said they are broke) apparently he was supporting many of them😲
Yes many are taken advantage of without realizing it at first. It's a dang shame what they do to people. The family did get the estate.......and then turned it into something he wouldn't have wanted. Hence why he was never "in the spotlight" with his family a lot. I don't think they ever really understood him, but always wanted to take advantage of him. Even so, yes, as far as I'm aware, he ALWAYS took care of his family and they spent it as fast as they got it.
OK, I have to admit, my mind started thinking a few weeks ago about the song "Seven". I started to do a decode on it. Now you're making me want to finish it and share :-)