When you have the goods on people and you are smart enough to sign a 2018 executive order for crimes you know are coming 2 years later, you have wide and broad powers to do a bunch of fun stuff. Never underestimate Trump. That would be a grave mistake.
Looking back, everything had to have been one giant sting operation to catch the deep state swamp rats; all planned way ahead and they were all played like a concert violinist. The election was a sting operation as well. I realize only a few know the plan, but too intriguing to not try to figure it all out. Trump's speech keeps resonating, so I try to analyze what could be next. He was bringing up the Supreme Court, how he won by a landslide and they refused to hear the cases of fraud, as well as bringing up the Constitution, the Original Constitution. He is painting that portrait and pointing us to the direction we are all headed. He did bring up Military as well. Here we go! Most would overlook and not see, but many of us will never give up or stop analyzing. Dates and timelines are useless; too many variables with the enemy. The whitehats know their playbook always. The plan is military classified; no leaks.