When you have the goods on people and you are smart enough to sign a 2018 executive order for crimes you know are coming 2 years later, you have wide and broad powers to do a bunch of fun stuff. Never underestimate Trump. That would be a grave mistake.

i was banking on his eo for 2018. It states anyone involved in the 2020 election interference is considered treason. i saw a massive video on fb donating 500 million to the left for election fraud.
is fb seized? twitter? youtube? google? italy? cia? fbi? all the poll workers? where is the punishment? is all the senate hearings back in nov-dec all cgi ornoptics? all the whistle blowers who risked their lives to speak up in those seante hearings? is that cgi too? is the whistle blower actors? did anyone watch amhow aggressive michigan senate hearings were when the wittnesses stood up for trump? these ppl risked their lives to be hates and what do we get? A fake ass president killing American jobs.
Are we even allowed to ask these questions or do we need a level 5 clearance to get some actual answers. i hope you understand how frustrated we feel at this point. butnif i get blocked. o well. thanks for the good times. and i wish everyone well. God bless you all looking for the trut
I feel as frustrated as you. I read and research everything, but it feel like we have to keep playing pretend.

No kidding. I know ppl are going to get pissed off if we dont agree to there 'so called plan"...but does anyone know jack shit? the only person who does know is Trump. Oher then that, Ive learned that no one has a clue. Its great to have support and I love supporting others with kindess. But lets face it here, Trumo aint coming back soon..if he did, he would be back already. 2018 EO souldve been a knock out the park. There only excuse was "civil war'..who gives a shit about the ppl who are not awake. What are they gonna do? GO burn down the city they live in? OkAY THATS TREASON TO ME THEN, if you dont appreicate the country you live in then get the fuck out of here.