In the state of Florida it is actualy against the law to wear a mask in public. I have printed this on a card and keep it in the same pocket I hang my Trump mask from. If anyone says anything I show them the card and tell them I am wearing mine legally and inform them that they are the one's breaking the law.
The statute (also mirrored in many states) states that you cannot wear a concealment IN THE COMMISSION OF A CRIME.
This is one of those 'Enhancer Statutes' that if a person is later identified as committed the crime AND they wore a mask to conceal their identity, it would be an added charge.
As much as we want the Face Diapers to be illegal, statutes like this, do not apply in this situation.
Im not saying to not try to use it to your advantage, but if you have a business owner that knows the statutes, it may not work.