When you have the goods on people and you are smart enough to sign a 2018 executive order for crimes you know are coming 2 years later, you have wide and broad powers to do a bunch of fun stuff. Never underestimate Trump. That would be a grave mistake.

mors vincit omnia - Never Give Up, Never surrender John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, ...
fuses three dimensions of space, one dimension of time into 4 dimensional
Back to the Future - space time continuum

They say history repeats itself. Maybe the further you look in the future explains what happened in the past. Q said, "Going Forward in Order to Look Back." Post 3585 -#Fascinating. Does this also explain each one of us too? Do we not see the past much more distinctly and clearly when we go forward also? Is Project#lookingglass continually active? Is there a point at which time becomes clear for both the past, present and future? Has Trump seen into his own LookingGlass? Has Trump had dreams and visions?
Just some thoughts out loud here. The closer you are to the present the tighter the cone is from the past and to the future. More information is taken into account the futher one goes in the past and into the future. Mirror images. History repeats itself they say.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
very Tesla ish.

Zero Point/