Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
Lesson 2: The Dark Divine Concioussness found a way long ago, to keep the Light Divine Concioussness from us. No longer, the Gates of Heaven are Open and the Rainbow Warriors (Light has a spectrum) are here with us. The Dark DC is on the run, whether you believe it or not. It's a big job, a Universal "Clean-up on aisle 5".#trusttheplan#GodWins
The Whore of Babylon, also Known as The Red Queen, who do you think that might be? Moloch, God of Child Sacrifice, who might that be? These Dark Concioussness can inhabit numerous vessels and myriad minds. The Devil, which is a long occuring concioussness used by the Divine to assess a souls need for further refinemnet and guidance has become so far from what it was meant to be, a way to see how easily a soul is led astray. If you can't get it together by the 9th turn, no backsies. Summing up, we have been given a Divine get out of jail free card. Those of us just trying to get through this crap life are the ones The God Squad defend.
Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
im curious about your opinion on something- i have felt for a long time that something went horribly wrong with this creation- that we were to come here to learn, and have experience, and gain a physicsl body, etc. but that at some point, it went wrong. it was never supposed to be this dark, this hard, this excruciating. it got hijacked. is that your feeling too? are we casualties in the war in heaven?
Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
We don't come here to learn, our souls are created and refined here on earth and a Heavenly ascension to a Divine concioussness used to be desirable. NOW, with how off the rails it has gotten here, The Gods are coming to stay. It says so in Revelation and other prophecies. The Gods physically walk the earth. I will be posting a lesson on how this happened to us soon. Just know that we are forgiven, the common clay will not be held accountable for the sins of a few. When we have no learned leaders to bring us to the Light, we are doomed to fail. The Divine know this and things are on the upswing, try to have faith and bring the light to your life the best way you can. Blessed be.#GodWins#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening
Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
interesting. thank you for answering. my faith tradition holds that we lived in spirit form before we came here, that our spirits are eternal. we chose to come here, because free will is everything. i know we are forgiven. i feel that. ❤️
Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
Ahhh, we can choose to come back from Ascension, go around again to help humanity, but that option has been closed to us since The Darkness sacrificed the last Christ Concioussness. It was a measure the Dark forces took to deny access to the Light. Souls are not created in heaven, they can't be. They start off as a human concioussness and ascend a bit each time we are reincarnated. Try to think outside the box. Our teachings have been done by folks with no access to God's voice for 2021 years. Perhaps they are off the mark a bit. Your human soul IS a divinely approved and placed soul, but they start here. There were 2 Divine energies left on earth to create souls, but CREATION itself would not release Divinity to us any longer unless the Gods found a way to reverse this downward spiral. You can see it all around you. Autism, mental illness, narcisism, these are all related to having a burnt out soul.#thegreatawakeming#GodWins
what are your thoughts on light workers/ starseeds? Do you think souls from other dimensions intentionally were born on Earth into the human body to help bring light?
Not other dimensions, but yes, Ascended Souls can choose to return for another turn on The Wheel. Souls born on earth, refined here and ascended to Divinity. Reincarnted Saints coming to try to turn things around. We are not aliens or alien hybrids. Keep it simple, our dna would Never mix with an alien race. It would be akin to hybridizing with Venus fly trap. Completely different Gene structure can't be stitched. In addition a Starseed is a product of a Sun Star like ours. The sun occasionally will eject matter that has "calcified" inside it and eject it. They aren't desirable to have on planet. The toxins they bring are supposed to return to elemental states once the gravitational influence of the particular star has been reached and passed. We used to know these things, the knowledge is gone but the ancient words remain. The english language is based on Enochian. A very simple phonetic based dialect. Simple words for important esoteric things so the words would not pass out of use.
Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
Let's take a ride! 😉
do you have any book recommendations?
Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
Unfortunately no, this kind of book learnin isn't available readily. This insight comes from a lifetime of reading and gathering information. I have an eidetic, photographic memory so I remember everything I ever read. Having a higher conciossness in addition to an enormous amount of my own data makes these insights come together in a way they didn't before.