USN(RET), eternally 25yrs old, widower (30yrs together), OathKeeper, The Oath never expires, "Peace Thru Superior Firepower", I follow bac
I didn't know Martin Geddes was famous...
How “The Bidan (sic) Show” is saving America (& the world)
2/27/2021, By Martin Geddes
This article is not intended for dangerous morons.
If you are a dangerous moron who believes that colour revolutions & communist insurrections cannot be attempted in America, please stop reading now.
This article will only distress & annoy you, & that would be unkind to yourself.
Thank you.
OK, now we’ve insulted the dangerous moron audience segment & driven them away, that leaves the rest of us — who can have an adult conversation about what is really going on in America, & the pivotal role of the media & propaganda in spinning a false reality.
Our patience is being annealed into a hardened resoluteness to see this through to the end.
Read his full article...
How “The Bidan (sic) Show” is saving America (and the world) - martingeddes
The “big picture” is that we are watching a total reboot of America, and consequently the world. “The Bidan Show” is just a “holding screen” and distraction put on to educate the public while the military does the election fraud cleanup operation. This is done at the lowest Constitutional “run level..