We are in need of a mass exorcism! Then the meek shall inherit the Earth! I feel something BIG is about to happen.I know that we have been saying this for Quite some time now, but this is different.There is something in the stillness...maybe we are in the eye of the storm?The tail end of this will shock the world awake.This painful time is necessary.There is no growth without pain.I truly believe that this is the last push in our extensive labor of love.
Even though we do not want to admit it, these hate filled "lost souls" must be reached. This is the final scene in the Matrix; the one we didn't see. The one where ALL the heavy sleeping pods are forcibly awoken.
We are now ALL taking on the roll of Jesus. We are curing the worlds blindness
(this is a much worse affliction than Covid EVER was!)
Soon the rains of change will fall causing a torrential FLOOD of information that will wash away evil.
Only the meek will remain to inherit the Earth. 5x5! Matthew 5:5!