Twitter handles were aQtime - a17time - aTimeQ Retweeted By Donald J Trump on Twitter.
What Storm Mr President.........DJT * You'll Find Out.
#SaveOurChildren You Are Not Forgotten.

Proud Deplorable, Love my 4 rescue pups, my country and our TRUE President DONALD J TRUMP!! Banner pic of our Pres, I was that close to him!
In response Red Pilled to her Publication

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
In response Red Pilled to her Publication
🦗🦗Accidentally shared about Bidens arrest
Remember when They ,MSM
accidentally released her death
Rumor has it Hillary saw a ghost in the black Van she was being put into. And stroked out!
glad she is gone!
I heard Hillary smelled really bad.
😂 Flies on her forehead 🦎🦎