Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Much disease ("Dis-Ease") comes from a spiritual
dis-ease ( lack of spirititual connection to our Creator) that adversely affects our immune system. Couple that with an altered food source (GMO, pesticides, HFCS ( high fructose corn syrup), Soda etc. Eating gluttonous portions of food ( big gulp, big mac, super size) plus limited exercise, fresh air, sunshine which leads to obesity, decreased Vit. D, increased anxiety, chronic dehydration (our bodies need WATER) and you have a catastrophic combination. This altered physical and spiritual state makes people vulnerable to Dis-Ease. People then turn to "pills" to help= $$$$ to big pharma= $$$$ to those who promote Dis-Ease for more $$$$. Vicious cycle. It is up to each individual to break this personal vicious cycle. You have the ability to heal yourself in many ways.😇