Donald Trump walked the
Stations of the Cross as POTUS 45
“I will gladly take all those
slings and arrows for you." - DT

JESUS was betrayed by Judas
TRUMP was betrayed by Pence
JESUS was crucified by Pilate
TRUMP was “impeached” by Pelosi
JESUS was rebuked by corrupt politicians
in the Roman Senate
TRUMP was rebuked by corrupt politicians
in the US Senate
JC was a Noble Prince of Peace
DT was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

JC was resurrected ~ DT will be re-elected

John the Baptist prophesied the coming of Jesus
and Q predicted the coming of TRUMP.

The corollaries are endless and nothing short of BIBLICAL - Watch it happen!

*3-slide-pictograph ⤵️

Kim Clement is John the Baptist/Elijah Spirit in the above context. I hold out hope and belief though that Donald Trump is actually the Elijah/John the Baptist Spirit that is paving the way for the return of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords - The person behind this entire take down of Cabal ridding this world of Evil - Son of God in person - JFK Jr - Biblical
Q is like the word/Bible

yes! the way we are being led out of slavery from the corrupt system reminds me of the story of moses leading the people out of egypt. some complained how long it was taking instead of being grateful.
look up typology theology, where something that happened in the past happens again at a later time - history repeating itself. it's a thing! BIBLICAL

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I love this! We are watching Bible prophecy play out as we live it out! What a time to be alive! It is and is going to be Biblical!