The left and MSM: “The murder is in the past. Just accept it”
Everyone else: “But the killer is still on the loose!”
The left and MSM: “Arresting the killer won’t change the outcome for the victim. Time to move on.”
Everyone else: “But what if the killer strikes again? We need to act now!
The left and MSM: “we will just change laws to make murder easier and more acceptable”

Truth seeker, good or bad. Blocking me only reiterates you knowingly tell lies and are afraid of the truth I'll correct you with.
Ahhh yes, the political version of OJ Simpson. Maybe we too can win in a civil case.

The Great Awakening • This is it • Buckle Up • Godspeed🙏🏻🇺🇸
Great analogy. And what a sad state of affairs.