Cee Cee©️
@The_exceptionNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
My intro to today’s social media habbenings was logging on to see Mitt getting booed on stage by Patriots and I am totally here for it 😂

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
MSM are trying to make the public believe that UV lights will damage the ballots 🤦♀️and avid viewers are actually believing it.
Yet laying your body on a UV tanning bed at the salon for hours on end is no cause of concern to normies. 😂

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Wait wut? I thought these DEW’s were just a “cOnSpiRacy”?
Now CNN saying the WH was attacked with a DEW and is blaming Russia 😂
DEW your research I guess

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Whoa! I love dis movie ;)
H/t: https://t.me/Qtah_17/2723

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Rudy in the news is a distraction for Kerry in the news.
Meanwhile… keep eyes on the AZ audit.

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Twitter/FB is filled with insufferable armchair gronks who were experts on virology and masks, then experts on police use of force, then experts on all state voting laws, and now experts on police tactics and firearms... all are proudly graduated from the “uNiVeRsiTy oF tHe GoOgLe sEaRcH”
This is why we can’t have nice things people.

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Notice how Fauci couldn’t give a number in terms of what will constitute people going back to normal when questioned by Jim Jordan? That tells you everything you need to know.
0% science behind their actions
0% concern for public health
0% consideration for personal freedoms
100% fear and control

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Question for iOS users, on or just before FB and Insta went down today, did anyone get a weird “certificate error” pop up on their device?
If yes, did you read the details of it?

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Collective consciousness is a powerful thing.
So powerful in fact that they go to great lengths to control the mass consciousness and narrative.
Imagine what would happen if >90% was awake? Change would be almost overnight. Think butterfly effect. A small shift in thought, words or action by everyone could bring it all down.
They reeeeally don’t want y’all figuring that out ;)

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Guess they desperately wanted to create a covid variant narrative, however given that the UK variant, South African variant and India Variant have all been epic flops for fear porn, they have decided to name the latest one “Double Mutant Variant”
Sounds much more scarier that way. Sheep keep on sheepin’!

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Wait wut?! WaPo did a fact check on Biden and called out one of his lies? Weird...

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
In case you missed it, the Bidens Easter message went like this:
“..many people going without familiar comforts..”
“..the virus is not gone..”
“..businesses are recovering..”
“..Pope Francis said you should get the vaccine..”
“..encourage your congregation to get vaccinated..”
[End of message]

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
They needed a study to work this out? At least now when people continue to say AOC is as useless as a screen door on a submarine, it’s now backed by data 🤣
Full article: https://nypost.com/2021/04/03/aoc-was-one-of-least-effective-members-of-congress-study/
Results & rankings from study: https://thelawmakers.org/find-representatives#/

My final attempt to wake up my sleeping industry associates in tech. https://martingeddes.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&c=11&m=17
Digital warriors LOOK AT THE DATA; fools do not
Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Let me take a moment to thank patriots worldwide who spend a fair amount of time translating meme's, digs and websites for anons abroad. Its great that these folks are doing what they can to share information and thoughts across different cultures and languages. :)

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Anyone who has been watching the Derek Chauvin trial will know that the defense attorney is kicking the prosecutions ass.
There are 12 prosecutors against the 1 defense and he is nailing their asses almost every time.
However the media is giving no details. Instead they are using the same tactic as prosecutors and appealing to people’s emotions (which won’t work). The sad thing is, should this trial end in a not guilty verdict because of the FACTS, activists will tear cities down - and it will be the media’s fault.
Just watch....

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Is it me? Or did they purposefully send Biden up those stairs carrying as much random crap as possible to make some desperate photo-op point that he’s a capable human being?
I bet there’s nothing in that bag 😂 yet, he still couldn’t do it without straining. His entire existence as a “president” makes America look weak AF.

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
Ain’t nothing wrong with hopium :D I’d rather be full of positivity and hope without knowing for certain how things play out, instead of knowing the how/where/when.
That way, you make the most out of every moment in life. Too much focus on one day or a future point in time makes us all miss the importance of TODAY!
Go hug your family and tell them how much you love them right now :)

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception
It’s not about HOW liberal/normies/whatever wake up, the point is that they DO wake up.
H/t: https://t.me/Re5iGam/4609

Digital Soldier 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Twitter: the_exception ~ Gab: the_exception ~ WeGo: the_exception ~ Parler: theexception