I found a couple x-tra’s IN ADDITION TO all the great Anon digs tying yesterday’s Dan Scavino tweet to global finances:
TY—> @lebronsonroids @qtah @igg1776
Dan Scavino: Triple Bogey 3-over Par COM:
• Red Flag = Warning
• 2/24/2021 = QD 2619 (Gold destroys Fed)
• Storm rolling in over the Green
(Turbulent Financials on the way)
• 7:29 = 19:29 MT = 1929 AD
= Stockmarket Crash + Great Depression
• 3 trillion $ error at Fed Res on 2/24/21
= multi-Trillion $ error proceeding 9/11 (?)
• Q on glove
The Cabal’s love of Money is an exploitable weakness DT + MIL + Q-TEAM are taking full advantage of ⬇️

(*By the way this is how you honorably build on someone else’s work - credit them or retweet if you have nothing to add so people have the source on where to find great digs - stealing and adding your name to other Anon’s work implies clout seeking and not real commitment or contribution to the cause)
“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own."
- Nikola Tesla