Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
The people asleep arent getting this info. They watch msm. I dont think anyone elso is going to wake up until this is announced publically somehow or they are impacted by. this lie. I have given up on Msm and EBS. Not sure what is left. I am just done watching the pot. I am done spending time thinking about the timeline. Its just not good use of my time.
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
I feel you! They are as adamant about their choices, "especially the vaccine" as I am about NOT vaccinating, etc. I tried for a little while, but the aggravation of trying to enlighten them to wake up gets so exhausting that it messes with my mood. It isn't worth it.
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
I have also given up on friends who are actually on the same side but belive everything going on is real. They think Q gave out dates and the events didnt happen. I see how one could zhonk this if they really havent paid attention. I will not engage in political convo with any of them anymore. They both grieve me. They never just want to sit down and go over proofs allowing me to explain. I intend to occuy while I wait for Jesus and Justice!