Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
I try to be kind and act in a way that God would direct my steps.
When a so-called Patriot abuses me, calls me horrid names, and is as unkind as they can be, hoisting foul names and accusations at me....
Then, the 'old Veronica' comes out to play, and I step off the 'God Path' to deal with this type of abuse.
You don't wanna fuck with 'old Veronica'.... she comes armed to the teeth with ways to defend herself from this type of abuse.
I don't take bullshit from anyone, just so we're clear.
This makes me LOVE you MORE!! Atta girl! I've been singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic, again! I'm the one that contacted you a couple months ago about waking to it....hang tough!