For the past few days I've read tons of opinions on the way this will all go down.
I have to say, each one sounds great...but not even close to GREAT ENOUGH
IMHO - Alot of the big arrests were made long ago, and we are watchig a movie.
I think the finale will be something of a BLOCKBUSTER FEATURE that we have yet to ever see on any big screen. Therefore, our minds cannot concieve of it yet....But it will be spectacular, and it will most definitly be BIBLICAL

Living rural I dont have any form of live tv as they shut down the uhf/vhf system and wont pay the outragious prices of satelite. I stream all the info I get and hope there will be a streaming option for what is to come. Yes I have a cell phone if info comes that way but it would be nice to watch on the big screen.

I live with same situation, by choice.
Due to the FAKE NEWS all over and the subhuman pawnscum of social media, I do believe that the Space Force will be doing a Global Emergency Broadcast for ALL to see the REALITY!
I'm not worried

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
I don't doubt you. Trump said over the summer that he "caught the swamp." I'm ready for ANYTHING.