Although we are definitely winning the battle, this is a reminder it's a daily battle. Evil never sleeps or easily surrenders. Neither do we. If you're not on God's side you're on the losing team. God always wins in the end, and corruption will always be exposed eventually. Every lie will be revealed.
Some folks haven't realized that we are still in the Fog of War. When it is time, it is time. Not on my time table, or yours, or @GhostEzra 's, or anyone else's time table. Until then, do what you can still do, pray, meme, keep trying to red pill, and finally, hold the line (AKA: Hurry up and wait). Rome wasn't built in a day, and the swamp wasn't drained overnight.

This was actually comforting to read... thank you. I think I am being tested. I am starting to question my sanity a bit but this helped slap me in the face a bit & made me pull myself together lol