If you are news driven right now, I'm sorry for you. Nothing in the news is real right now. It's gone from bad to worse. Some of it is part of the movie, the rest is the mocking bird media. Right now, get grounded in all the great promises Trump already made you. In the promises God made for you. Realize nothing is what it seems right now, and never ever forget, that the best is yet to come.
As Lin Wood and Sidney Powell both stated ... the courts will attest to the election fraud and allow military to hold another election, or if courts continue to resist / fold, then that will seal their fate. (High Treason) The public will demand another election and military will preside ... either way DJT, will be back to guiding this great country.
I'm loving this show even though I lost my family and frens. Hey guys does anyone else in my position want to sue CNN? Always praying.
They have my highest respect!