Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.
Canada has gone crazy! In the UN sanctuary city of Edmonton a Pastor has been arrested for continuing services. Faces life in jail?! WTAF!!!
The new normal in Alberta: pastors in jail for holding church services? | Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
EDMONTON: The Justice Centre is representing Grace Life Church (Grace Life), a large church near Edmonton, and its pastor James Coates. The congregants of Grace Life hold strongly to their religious beliefs regarding the necessity of gathering in-person to worship and to minister to each oth.. - Small Business Owner - Seeking Canada's Trump - The more I learn of this never ending evil it sickens me #pray #NeverEverGiveUp
This government is insane.
So insane! No virus isolated, inventor of the PCR test says no valid way to test. In Canada 20000 deaths of 37 million! Thats 0.0000 % death. 99.9% in LTC care homes where the average is 83 and they already had issues which is why they live there!
BC has 61 in Acute care with 5600 beds still available and we are still locked down! This is not about a virus! JT quietly bringing in communism while people cheer at being locked up! So messed up!
Believer - Small Business Owner - Seeking Canada's Trump - The more I learn of this never ending evil it sickens me #pray #NeverEverGiveUp
If these "so called doctors" would implement an immune boosting program for them to do "no harm" like HCQ and Zinc and Vit C and D etc etc. then maybe these deaths would be a fraction of what they are. They make me so so mad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cdn Patriot 🇨🇦. Father of five. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
JT is apparently at gitmo