2. Please don't accuse me of conspiracy theories. At least we have evidence of rampant election fraud. And hey, for 5 YEARS we heard Trump didn't win. He was a Russian agent, remember? With NO credible evidence to support the theory.
3. What we have now is this. The vast majority of the US population voted Trump. They also DESPISE Biden, Obama and their goons. Biden & Harris have failed to maintain his illusion of legitimacy. Biden is a criminal, a joke and a fraud. Harris is hated. They're in a tough spot. The only way that they can stay in power is by rigging elections. I'm sure that's what they're thinking. If they can't do that, they're finished. I wonder if there is anyone out there who has the goods on them?
4. Apart from the vast majority of the US election, who are watching their every move 24/7. And the guy they cheated out if his deserved victory. Watch, learn, etc.#MAGA
The end.
thats about all she wrote.