2. Please don't accuse me of conspiracy theories. At least we have evidence of rampant election fraud. And hey, for 5 YEARS we heard Trump didn't win. He was a Russian agent, remember? With NO credible evidence to support the theory.
3. What we have now is this. The vast majority of the US population voted Trump. They also DESPISE Biden, Obama and their goons. Biden & Harris have failed to maintain his illusion of legitimacy. Biden is a criminal, a joke and a fraud. Harris is hated. They're in a tough spot. The only way that they can stay in power is by rigging elections. I'm sure that's what they're thinking. If they can't do that, they're finished. I wonder if there is anyone out there who has the goods on them?
4. Apart from the vast majority of the US election, who are watching their every move 24/7. And the guy they cheated out if his deserved victory. Watch, learn, etc.#MAGA
The end.

Banned on multiple platforms. Love God/Family/Country to the core. Save The Children. Lifelong Geek. Awake 25+ years. Always more to learn.
Why would you care what people accuse you of (conspiracy theories) when we all know the CIA invented that phrase to silence people who questioned the JFK assassination? I carry that accusation like a badge of honor.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Biden and Harris are fake and have actors playing them, so who do we blame now?

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
U.S. Defense Secr. Cohen [ON ECO-TERRORISM]:
"[T]errorists are engaging in eco-terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves
World-wide weather engineering started by the Russians on 7-4-76 -- as a quirky sense of humor and "bicentennial gift" to the U.S.
The weapons have been used to shoot down aircraft, etc. worldwide also, mostly as tests, and have also destroyed ICBMs shortly after launch
The world is a secretly armed camp, armed to the teeth with unpublicized highly secret weapons, waiting to explode like a powder keg at the touch of a match. These developments have eluded most of the scientific communities of Earth (who are still mostly using a decrepit, hoary old U(1) electromagnetics theory put together in 1864
…The plan is that the world economy is to be strained to the breaking point, so that it will begin seriously collapsing about 2008

I miss Rex