It’s Shifted/At the PRECIPICE💥⚠️WWG1WGA the way to the finish line🏁 👉In The Right Lane for GOD & Country🙌🏻JESUS/TRUMP/AWAKE PATRIOT/STC
Prayers for Israel!🙏🏻 and ALL people around the Globe. No weapon [bioweapon] formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17) in the name of YESHUA 🙌🏻 What he said is happening is bad guys. It's Tyranny. It's slavery. And we need to be ready to group together. I can foresee a lot of REVELATION coming into play here if forced vaccination. "That No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:17). We need to be prepared to fight with our legistlature. It's likely going to get biblical.

Only united not divided can we conquer evil. If America falls the world falls. I stand by my sisters and brothers patriots world wide.
my brother lives there, he says it us really scary how obedient israelies are. people are already making lists on school children who is vaccinated and who is not, shocking!

Christian blogsite that examines all things from a biblical perspective https://contendersedge.blogspot.com/
It appears that according to the following, Israelis are only beginning to take a stand:
Citizens bypassing the vaccine mandates by using fake vaccine certificates that look like the real thing.
The Orthodox Jewish community has had enough with the restrictions that interfere with their religious and worship practices. They are now openly defying the restrictions and some cases, even violently so.
They know the virus is not deadly. They know the vaccines are and that is why some citizens are either defying the restrictions outright or at least finding ways to bypass them.
The only way to end the lockdowns and stop the vaccine mandates is by way of open defiance, not just in America and Israel, but in every nation beset by these restrictions.
Thousands of Israelis return to normal life with forged 'Green Pass' as vaccine refuseniks otherwise barred from venues — RT World News
While Israel prepares to welcome only vaccine recipients into gyms, hotels, and other venues, thousands have been making their own 'Green Pass,' the easily-counterfeited credential the country is using to prove vaccination.
The world is waiting for america to grow some balls & stand up you are the only ones who have weapons to keep you safe if america keeps sitting back hoping something big is going to happen the world dies around you then soon it will be to late for you aswell how long are you going to allow your fellow patriots worldwide suffer is the question!

Unapologetic Pre-1871 Constitutionalist, Truth Seeker, Wall Watcher, Warrior of Yeshua and Deplorable Trump Chump. WWG1WGA 🍊
Yeah, of course they are. The Khazarian mafia. Trump said he is saving Isreal for last. He knows what they they did on 9/11


If this doesn't alarm someone, they're not asleep they're COMATOSE!

WWG1 WGA Worldwide 💜Time for justice.. bring on the pain! We need to save the children Worldwide! Purged from Twitter and Facebook 😜
Israel last to wake up, isn't there a Q drop regarding this ?

you know it☑️💯🕊🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💣