FULL of LIFE...FULL of LOVE...FULL of TRUTH...my friends know NOT to ask if they don’t want the TRUTH, exude LOVE the devil hates it!
I am sorry, I can't even watch. It makes me very sad that we have come to this, but I truly do love waking people up, I guess it is the compassion I have that makes me so upset that while I know his evil sick ways it still makes me very SAD, I feel a lot of pain for those he has smelled, ugh it is just sickening, don't get me wrong.
I hope they open the border by July. I want to go to my cottage on the lake north of Maine. Could not go last year due to covid BS.
If Twitler was the battlefield, anonup is the celebration ITS NOT OVER, might as well laugh along the way
omg, i just love live mics.. the only way we'll get any real news outra these people😂