I am at my parents' house. I love them dearly, but every time I come I am reminded why I find the place "uninhabitable" — once the TV is on, it takes over the entire (open plan) space, and the only sanctuary of sanity is a bedroom. Even then, there are all the intrusive jingles of TV quiz shows.
Yes, and my mother talks about the people on her favorite shows like they are actual friends/acquaintances, confuses me sometimes when she uses names of real family members I have to get her to verify wth shes talking about.
thats kind of cute though. God bless her.
It makes for interesting conversations sometimes. Shes a bittersweet trip. In the last 4 years shes lost 5 brothers/sisters. Her last sister just had a stroke. I pray God keeps blessing her with her sense of humor and perserverance, shes taking her sisters health hard, thank you for asking God to bless her.