I often get this question alot. It's a great question. Here's the question: If this is a movie why are so many people suffering?
Answer: There were systems setup well before Trump. Dominion voter fraud systems, Haarp, deadly and corrupt pharmacutical industry, corrupt DC.
Trump didn't have a hand in creating any of these things. Rather they were evil systems and industries setup by the deep state long ago.
Allowing people to experience something they have really already been experiencing but are now clearly aware of isn't the same as causing or creating these evils.
The goal here is justice, while opening the eyes of those who are asleep. You are likely awake if you are reading this, but billions aren't. Though, many are waking up by the day. If the Mockingbird Media isn't beat at their own game, they will hold the power to simply repeat their lies and influence for years to come.
It really comes down to this. Would you rather have a dark winter in 2021 or a dark cent


I am doing everything possible to awaken as many as possible, my republican primary run for congress will awaken Mississippi. When I win, it will wake up America, "I AM ANON" www.straussforhouse.com

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Hi Ghost! I was wondering about Josh Hawley. He seemed a good guy but then he voted forward to impeach? Also about Matt Gaetz. Thanks. Had an amazing service at church today. will post as soon as I'm home.

Well Said! I certainly never want this to happen again, especially our precious children!

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I've woke up several times all angry and ready to move forward, I get angry @ people for being so docile!!!! I know that the people who pass away (& animals) are taken care of in Heaven, but.....Oh boy, it's not easy and I know the other choice (if we weren't being saved) would have been worse!!! I know we are coming to a head. My own Mother said she will not watch the movie. Grrrrr! She's given her whole life to God, and now she would like to ignore it/him, because she is scared. Tough choices, but it must happen.

Why are so many people suffering? You have to go through hell to get to heaven. Think of the difference between someone giving you something and someone making you work for it. Anything worth having is worth working for is not just a saying. It is TRUTH.
Scorecard? That's just human nature, isn't it?😉 On the other hand, when I speak to people who are on the Left, they want proof that there will be punishment for crimes. So far, they see people getting away with murder.
We are held to a STANDARD and we do not see that being true for the Left. While 90% of our members are ex military or LEO'S there is a mindset that the "system" works a certain way. It tells us we are getting the job DONE RIGHT. I know you will help us get there and make it "entertaining" too. Better a little suffering now then a century of darkness.😎


This has been nagging at me. I understand many have been executed and replaced with doubles and I understand why. My question is, if their "double" is carrying on their evil deeds, what has been accomplished?

RN❤️Mother❤️Patriot ❤️Love God🙏🏻Love My Country.🇺🇸WWG1WGA ❤️Trump

I'm a Wife, Mother of 3 and Grandmother of 6 plus 1 Sweet Angel in Heaven, Stepmother of 2 and Step Grandmother of 5.They are My Life's Jo
God always gives us the plan with nothing to guess about. He leaves it to us to figure the plan out and execute the plan in due course. I'm not a quoter of scipture and never have been able to have a photographic memory. But, I am led by my Spiritual Guidance thru Jesus Christ and God Our Father the Creator of All The World & the Galaxy.
However, I do believe the plan on earth could be expedited a bit to end some of the unnecessary pain & anxiety being caused so, which would also expedite the wake of those who still have free will. Then the real healing can begin with those still asleep and do not have free will due to Satan's strong grip in them. Every second in time gives Satan a second to pull a poor soul under his wing making all kinds of promises then in that meer second they are hooked. if we reach them first God Wil Win with less suffering.

“You never Know How Strong you R, till being Strong is the only Choice you have” - Bob Marley🙏
ok i get it... but it seems like this movie keeps being pushed back. The same stuff is being said, in different forms, over and over. Nothing New is being put out. we have red pilled many Now and yet we are still being seen as fools , Becus nothing is being shown. Kind of over the BS talk Now... let's see some things being shown to those who were red pilled, yet won't awaken.

QUANTUM mechanics enthusiast, dad of 2 gods, invester in cryptocurrencies & precious metals, WWG1WGA, here to help - not for target practice
white hats have had full control over the media - weather etc all along. its all part of it. nothing is being done in real time. it cannot as anyone with any decent funds l infuence would fuck it up. this is how we know the plan is complee as far as clean ups and rescues. what we are experiencing is white hats using the cabals techniques on us as a mass wake up programme.

This is not of GOD.

With FreakSense and 3Days and 3Nights publishing the FULL CONTROL Trump and the team have over the entire world...one would think that to include gaining control over the worst weapons first - those DARPA and HAARP have, including the DEW and Chemtrail planes. MSM control was given to TRUMP after the FF you all put on in VEGAS...so what is the problem?
Why continue to use TRICKS of SATAN with every move?
GOD is not TRICKERY, LIES, SECRECY, DEATH, SUFFERING, so why are the Trump team using all those tools of SATAN?
There is a tool GOD urges that always works...TRUTH!
We do not get TRUTH from Trump or Q...it is always guess what we mean, cause if we tell you...


Belgian Anon, on VK https://vk.com/yolandeinanna
after one year of covid, there are now ppl starting to realize the truth about the medias... at last
it takes time for some of them.
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

If you told them you did your job. You can only show the truth, you can not MAKE them believe. That's when God takes over. truly this is a war fought mostly on your knees.
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Kerryeire) can see their posts

I've been awake for most of my life, but only found Q about 17 months ago. When I first started researching, I kept thinking- I wonder if they know about flouride? What about Monsanto, Haarp, GMO mosquitoes, the Vaccines, etc. And then I would discover they knew, every single time! Rolled all of my concerns up in one nice package. I know how close humanity was to the point of no return, so I can relax, pray and watch the plan unfold.

The handfull of big health insurances... that basically take your premium, and deny services... what is being done?

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters
Remember all of the floods, Fires, hurricanes and tornado's that hit as soon as Trump was swore in? False Flags followed and then riots? All done by [THEM]

Book reviewer, proud Patriot, and happily married Christian from Pennsylvania. No DMs please. BergersBookRev on TS and Twitter. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
I'm done with all the suffering already. This stupid game needs to end, and sooner rather than later. I don't want to see the whole US destroyed before we win. Enough is enough. I no longer trust the "plan."

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
*NEITHER* I choose door#3 😎

Grateful Deadhead who's taken too many redpills to let the great country go to the communist SJW and the NWO scumbags. #WWG1WGA

Love my president. Animal lover, coal miners daughter, retired, lives in WV..God always wins.
There are some who won't wake up no matter how much their shown, manily because they don't read or research anything. Believe all the media says so for some it will be too late and they still won't believe any of it when it's shown.

Conservative, genealogist, musician, school spelling champ. I once moonlighted as an extra in Film/TV.
It's just that it's difficult to see the difference between being lead into the New World Order and just being shown what the NWO would be like.


Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth
Well said. I'm a crazy cuckcoo bird, but I've 'known' since I was 4 or 5 that this was coming. I believe that Trump and the Patriots intervened and changed the timeline. I thought this was gonna happen 20 years ago, when I would have been in my 30s and stronger(still pretty damn strong for an old lady, though, haha), because I was seeing something more Mad Max, a boots on the ground war for the regular people like me. I think the timeline was changed to try to avoid as much colateral damage as possible. Yes, some people are suffering, some people suffering horribly, but it would have been a WHOLE lot worse. Much better to wake the Sheeple this way than with blood on the ground everywhere. God bless the Patriots and the Allies, they are taking most of the slings and arrows for us. WWG1WGA

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
ditto ... Insta-follow 😎

Yes, it would have been a whole lot worse, no doubt about that.

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
God bless you 🙏 as a mom, there are times when i know a big surpise is coming for the kids, but i know i cant give it yet, say christmas, new phones. they pout and cry and use every emotion. i know the gift is coming, and i could easily say " here" to stop the drama. but what kind of lesson would that be? i want them to be thankful for what they have, life isnt about getting a phone or not. the day finally came - pre- phone that they said " sorry mom i was so upset, i want the phone, but i onow if im suppsed to have one, i will get one" . so this moment. it reminded me of us with God. we kick, we scream , we say " justice" , but are we humbling ourselves to say " Thy will be done?" because His timing is perfect, i dont know why we try and tell Him what to do, but we all do, and we shouldnt. we have to stop kicking and screaming and Trust Him. 🙏 we know we are getting " the phones" so we all just neef to settle and pray and praise Him for alm He is doing- in His timing, not ours.

that was beautiful ❤️

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13
Biden just reversed Trump's EO protecting the US power grid from China for 90 days. Is THIS part of the great plan too?

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
blank EO's.

Born after the Korean War in 1954. Lifetime Truth Seeker. PATRIOT. Researcher. Qfrom day 1. Censored. MAGA, love Trump! JFKjr Lives! US/SE
Ezra, what platform do you put most of your attention on?

Dragged my Strawman out of the grave to be a part of the Great Awakening. It's now or never, folks. Artist/Free Spirit/Citizen of Earth
He posts quite a lot on Telegram, and then later some stuff he reposts here or Gab, what I have noticed

Born after the Korean War in 1954. Lifetime Truth Seeker. PATRIOT. Researcher. Qfrom day 1. Censored. MAGA, love Trump! JFKjr Lives! US/SE
If the Mockingbird Media is not brought down, most of these "sleepers" will simple not wake up.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13
Exactly! Perfect example. I'm on a college football board. Politics is a no no, so they added a board for politics. I've been reading the comments by many posters. 90% of them are so beyond pathetically brainwashed, I about barfed. Some were even calling Biden a great POTUS, but have zero clue what horrible things Biden is actually doing. I'm thinking, these are people are follow the news, watch the MSM and hate Rush, Trump and myself included as I've stood up for both. They will NEVER be awakened. They are MK Ultra'd Libtards who thrive on hate and division. Screw them! MOST of America can be saved. But until the MSM is taken down. many as on this football board will never wake up. It's' not rocket science.